Question of the Week Test Your Poker Skills

No-Limit Hold'em
Pot: $0 Blinds: $1/$2
Question In this hand of your six-max game online, a loose fishy player raises to $8 and everyone folds to you. What should you do? Correct Answer: Call Against a fishy player you are getting implied odds if you hit your set. That is because fishy players are far more likely to give you value with worse hands. If the player who raised was a TAG instead, you would likely have to fold your low pocket pair because they would be less inclined to pay you off were you to hit.
Pot: $0
Your cards
Raise: $2
Big Blind
Raise: $8
Swipe left and for for others hands
Wrong Answer
That is not quite what we would have done...
but we suggest you test your skills out at small stakes in one of these sites.