
Seiler Busy Programming During the Grand Event

Level 9: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)
Entries: 112/205

This reporter has covered hundreds of events both as a reporter and a commentator and has been to countless others as a player. It is hard for something to happen at a poker tournament at the tables that I haven't seen before.

Jonatan Seiler has the honor of having this reporter do a double take as he had his computer out. This is rare as well but not unique as occasionally we have seen players play online poker or some other game while also playing at the live tables. However, what made this unique is that Seiler was busy programming while playing today's Day 1a.

Whether or not programming is affecting his play is up for debate, but he does have more than a starting stack with around 75,000 in chips. Best of luck to Seiler in completing his programming while also progressing to Day 2 of the Grand Event.

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