
Cashed for €1,300

The following players cashed for €1,300:

96Jens Mmab€1,300
97Jos Pieter Ten Have€1,300
98Boris Velev€1,300
99Karl Ioannis Leondis€1,300
100Daniel Buzato De Aquino€1,300
101Sturla Hiller€1,300
102Raimund Geier€1,300
103William Murray Bailie€1,300
104Daniel Kuhlmann€1,300
105Jonathan James Walker€1,300
106Miguel Alonso Avellana€1,300
107Roland Boothby€1,300
108Holm Erdmann€1,300
109David Hodgkins€1,300
110Soner Vanelderen€1,300
111Patrick James Kelliher€1,300

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