Question of the Week Test Your Poker Skills

No-Limit Hold'em
Pot: $95 Blinds: $1/$2
Question In a six-max game online a tight player limps under the gun and it’s folded to you on the button. You raise to $8, the blinds fold and he calls. The flop comes #5h#3h#9c and he checks. You bet $13. He check-raises to $38 and you call. The turn comes #Jd and he fires $75. What should you do? Correct Answer: Fold A tight opponent is never showing up here with a bluff, nor is he showing up here with a hand you beat. It is pretty safe to turbomuck to the turn bet and save the rest of your stack.
Pot: $95
Your cards
Small Blind
Big Blind
Raise: $75
Swipe left and for for others hands
Wrong Answer
That is not quite what we would have done...
but we suggest you test your skills out at small stakes in one of these sites.