Question of the Week Test Your Poker Skills

No-Limit Hold'em
Pot: $0 Blinds: $1/$2
Question In still another six-max game online, player 2 limps from early position and it’s folded to you. Your read on player 2 is that he is extremely loose and passive, and loves to see flops. How much should you raise to? Correct Answer: $12 If your opponent loves to see flops, then no matter what, charge him to see them. Start building that pot already. When you have aces your goal is to win your opponent's stack. Work toward that goal right away by building the pot. Bet as much as your opponent will call on each street. Hell, if he wants to call $15 pre, then make it $15!
Pot: $0
Your cards
Raise: $2
Big Blind
Swipe left and for for others hands
Wrong Answer
That is not quite what we would have done...
but we suggest you test your skills out at small stakes in one of these sites.