Question of the Week Test Your Poker Skills

No-Limit Hold'em
Pot: $0 Blinds: $1/$2
Question In your six-max $1/$2 game online, it’s folded around to the cut-off, who raises to $7. The button folds. Your read on the cut-off is that he plays a solid game. He is a winner in this game, and you two have played quite a bit together before. What should you do? Correct Answer: Fold Pocket pairs are drawing hands. They only flop a set one-eighth of the time. The rest of the time you are going to be playing a (likely) underpair out of position against a tough opponent. It is very difficult to play small pocket pairs to a raise against a good player. Even when you flop your set, you are rarely going to win a stack. So just fold it now.
Pot: $0
Your cards
Big Blind
Raise: $7
Swipe left and for for others hands
Wrong Answer
That is not quite what we would have done...
but we suggest you test your skills out at small stakes in one of these sites.